Introduction: What is Being Broken Up?

A break up, or being broken up with, is the process of separation initiated by significant other. It’s a difficult process that might leave you feeling lonely, and depressed. We all know that breaking up with someone is never easy. You might feel like you’ve lost your best friend or worst enemy. You might be feeling a lot of anger or sadness, or you might be feeling nothing at all.

Breaking up can be difficult because it forces us to face our own feelings about ourselves and the other person in the relationship. It forces us to confront the fact that this person is not going to be in our lives forever, which can be terrifying. We’re left to feel like we’re not good enough, and there might be truth in that.

What to Do after Being Broken Up With 

This is your opportunity to evaluate your life and gain perspective. Why did the other person initiate the breakup? What are the mitigating factors? In what ways can you learn from this experience? 

It’s important to keep in mind that the dynamics between you have changed. What was typical conversation can seem intrusive and invasive from their perspective. That means you have to be careful in your approach. Avoid being overly familiar or talking about the relationship. Most importantly, respect their boundaries.

It might feel like they’re asking too much, but that ultimately doesn’t matter. You have to be able to respect your old partner’s decisions. Try to be more self aware rather then get your feelings to overwhelm your response. Allowing yourself some time will help you get over your feelings and make a decision about what you want in a partner. It’s generic advice, I don’t follow it myself but it’s to my objective’s detriment.

I’m the type of person who goes after what they want. If it ends in futility, then at least I wouldn’t regret my inaction. Be careful with this type of thinking. Doing more is counter-productive. It pushes your ex-partner away because it lowers your value. It works like this: they understand that they’re not particularly special; your infatuation would mean that there’s something inherently wrong with you. Why else would you want them so badly when they don’t have much to offer?

This, to any rational human being, is pure silliness. But ‘dem be the rules.

break up

What are the Best Ways to Get Over a Break-Up?

Breakups are never easy. But there are ways to help you get over a break up and move on with your life. Here are some tips for how to get over a break up:

1) Take care of yourself:

  • Eat Right
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Exercise Regularly

2) Reach out to friends and family:

  • Spend time with people who make you happy and want to see you succeed in life.

3) Keep busy and distracted:

  • Try new things, take up a hobby, go back to school, travel, volunteer, etc.

Coping Strategies for Emotional Breakups in Relationships

Coping strategies are necessary to help people deal with emotional breakups. They can be used to get through the grieving process and eventually, move on with their lives. Some of the most common coping strategies include:

  • Talking about it
  • Writing about it
  • Meditating
  • Getting a new Hobby
  • Stay busy

Ways To Deal With Heartbreak Without Alcohol ‍

It bears repeating, alcohol is no substitute for love and is no cure for a love lost. There are many reasons to avoid alcohol during times of emotional turmoil. The wounds from heartache can easily lead to a path of self-destruction. Not only will you decrease your overall value; you will be validating your partner’s decision to move on.

Use the break up as motivation to better yourself. Move towards wellness and increase your value. If you need the incentive, tell yourself with enough self improvement, you’ll get her back. This is a short-term solution to re-orient your efforts towards yourself. You need to build new experiences (5 Reasons to Choose Experience Over Things) that supersede the memories you had with your old partner.

A major reasons I had a hard time moving on, wasn’t just because she was a fox. We’d go at it every time we met. Each encounter would coincide with a boost of adrenaline and endorphins. It’s a feeling that you can’t replicate by yourself at home. Go do something.. -or someone?

  • Go dancing: take time to learn a new skill or hobby
  • Explore your environment: see what’s going on in your city or neighborhood
  • Exercise: that’ll get the endorphins going
  • Check out local events and begin building a new community

These might seem obvious, but nothing is really clear in times of emotional distress. Use Eventbrite or to meet new people, see what’s going on in your neighborhood, and take the opportunity to build a new community. I’ve tried all of the above, but nothing seems to work.

She’s not always on my mind. But it happens more often than I’d like. There are times when I think… ‘This would be better with her‘. In reality, it’s not one person. A select few will always have an inordinate amount of influence on my heart. No matter the degree of betrayal or insecurity I’m left to live with.

If you were to take any advice, it shouldn’t be from a love-sick dope like me.